Chef Salad

This chef salad is served in a large "Lunchbot" container, which is a nice big tiffin tin. I cut most of the circles using my Ateco 11 piece cutter set (see URL at bottom). The largest slice of cheese (colby) came in a circle, and the salami and carrots and onions were also circular already. The orange cheese is sharp cheddar, and the white one is Muenster. The second largest circle is uncured ham. The red circles are bell pepper, and so is the bright yellow small circle. I arranged the pieces on a bed of baby organic lettuce, and carrots. I'm sending a packet of Drew's salad dressing (balsamic vinnegar) as dressing. (see URL at bottom for dressing) Hardboiled eggs work well in this salad, as do sliced olives and tomatoes.

Ateco cutters:


Drew's take along dressings:
