I made two of these quiches this morning. We ate one for breakfast and one for lunch. At lunch we also had cauliflower with melted organic American cheese and grapes.
For each quiche:
1 unbaked pie crust (I use Trader Joes)
1 1/2 cup cheese (I used Trader Joes Mexican blend- because it is finely shredded)
5 green onions, chopped fine
1 package rosemary ham chopped (Trader Joes, 6 oz)
1 TBS corn starch (I use organic)
1/2 cup mayo (I use organic)
1/2 cup milk (I use cream top non-homogenized)
2 eggs
Line pie crust with dough. Mix eggs, mayo, milk and cornstarch- add all other ingredients. Pour in to pie crust. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes (but please watch it as it bakes- since ovens vary).
It turns out you can make a wonderful chili quiche by adding 1/2 can of chili to this mix (without the rosemary ham). I used 1/2 can of Trader Joe's vegie chili. Wow, was that good. I've also found bacon, salmon, crab, olives and well drained artichoke hearts are super good in this as well. It's such a forgiving recipe. I've also started adding about 1/2 a white onion to 2x the recipe, and then making to different pies- to make it even easier and have twice the food :-) My kids like this for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is a sturdy quiche- you can actually pick a slice up and it won't break, so it travels well in a lunchbox, and it's good unheated.