I bought a large maradol papaya, and made papaya salad. Since I love Thai green papaya salad, I've been experimenting with other salads- and I don't worry about how ripe the papaya is. I just use it when I buy it. It's all good. Turns out papaya is good with just about any dressing, and it blends with sweet and savory. What a great fruit! Don't forget that the seeds are edible!
I used baby lettuce as my base, then covered that with thin slices of papaya- about 1 1/2" long, and 3/4" wide. On top of the arranged shaved papaya, I sprinkled green onions and matchstick pieces of pink lady apples. Then I topped it with a dressing I made out of Mama Africa's Jabula sauce (sweet red pepper, apricot and rosemary), and O olive oil infused with grapefruit- about 1/3 sauce and 2/3's oil.
I found the sauce at Whole Foods, and I only bought it because it was 1/2off- but it's really delicious. I'm going to try it on chicken, for my next experiment.
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