My son was a really good sport to take one of these in his lunch- but you really do need to make two of them, since you remove a piece of the wheat to put in the white. It's super easy- just make sure both the breads are similar in thickness or it gets a little weird. I think these brighten up a lunch box- you can do even more cut outs, thought I've never done more than 3- I have a small cutter than makes a nice central flower- but I was feeling lazy. You can also do a circle cut out and let jam show through on one side of the sandwich, as the center of the flower. That's pretty cute. Though that works better when you are not sending it in a lunchbox. Might get a little gooey if you try to send that one to school.
I sent Amy's organic bunny fruit treats today with these sandwiches. Have you tried those? Oh my goodness. They are the most delicious little gummies. They are so soft and full of flavor. I took some too. I took several- one of each flavor. It was for research purposes, you understand. I have to say the tropical are my favorite, but they were all absolutely delicious. Because I like them so much, that probably means Costco will only carry them for a short time, and then I will have to get them at Whole Foods where they cost quite a bit more.
I also baked a Canterbury Naturals lemon cake mix- with my fresh lemon zest in it, and sent lemon cake to school for dessert. Also included apple sauce and some carrot sticks.
Hello, what a beautiful idea. I think you're great. Just happened upon your terrific blog and thought I'd stop for a good read. I am now your loyal follower. One day when time allows, come and see mine. I'd be honored to have you as a follower too. www.samwich365.com, Keri (a.k.a. Sam)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I have visited your blog and I think it's wonderful. I loved the bread boxes. I'm a huge fan of Alessi's designs. I love that playful Italian spirit. I will definitely follow your articles!