This is my daughter's first lunch for the school year. This is a 2 part bento- the bottom compartment has edamame, eggs shaped like hearts (there are molds for shaping eggs, see below), a small silicone cup of clementine slices, and a small silicone cup of cheese curds (you can buy these at Trader Joes.)
The top compartment has a plain rice base. The sun and the flower pots are made out of carrots. The leaves are thin slices of green onion, and the "flowers" are olive slices. My daughter will also take some Japanese rice crackers with this, and some tea.
I'll take pictures of my egg molding cups tomorrow. Right now they have eggs in them. They come in all kinds of shapes. I had stars, hearts, fish and cars. I see Winnie the Pooh there now, but I don't see the other shapes. I have put the link to the site where I got some of my more esoteric bento equipment below. My wonderful mother gave me a zojirushi rice cooker with fuzzy logic and it cooks sushi rice perfectly every time! It's the best :-) I've put a link to the zojirushi rice cooker below also.
This lunch does not take long to make, and when I made the rice I made 3 cups, so I'll have plenty of rice for lunches for the rest of the week. Also when I cut veggies, I cut a lot of different pieces, so I can just pull from a plastic bag what I need.
I found the egg molds on Amazon- I guess they have everything now.
Also, here are some great little sauce containers I send soy sauce in:
I have these stainless steel veggie cutters too. They are great for all kinds of things: